Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B infection is a virus passed from person to person through blood, semen or other body fluids. It is spread by sexual activity, sharing needles, syringes, sharing personal items such as a razor or toothbrush, exposure to blood from needlesticks and birth. Symptoms are flu-like and include loss of appetite, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, joint pain and jaundice.
Information for the general public
Bloodborne pathogen resources
- Bloodborne pathogen exposure guidance
- Utah Public Health Laboratory infectious disease test request form
- Utah Office of the Medical Examiner bloodborne pathogen exposure testing request form
Statistics and surveillance
Information for public health departments
- Disease plan
- Case report form
- Manual for the surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases
- Enhanced acute HCV and HBV surveillance investigation toolkit
Information for clinicians/healthcare professionals
- CDC STI treatment guidelines
- Hepatitis B information for healthcare professionals—CDC
- Hepatitis B Information for healthcare professionals—Immunization Action Coalition
- Vaccine-preventable disease testing guide for medical providers