Explore blood lead data

Explore blood lead data

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) introduced the blood lead reference value (BLRV) in 2012. Children with blood lead levels at or above the BLRV are considered to have higher levels of lead in their blood than most children. In October 2021, CDC lowered the BLRV from 5 µg of lead per deciliter of blood (µg/dL) to 3.5 µg/dL. Utah is currently in the process of adopting the new BLRV.

Blood lead levels are classified as either confirmed or unconfirmed. Blood lead levels are confirmed by either 1 venous test or 2 capillary or unknown specimen tests taken less than 12 weeks apart. Unconfirmed blood lead levels are results that have not had a confirmatory test within 12 weeks of the first test. 

The following data views include both confirmed and unconfirmed cases of blood lead levels at or above the BLRV: